quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015

Só 11 países no mundo não estão envolvidos em conflitos...

Only 11 countries in the WORLD are not involved in conflict, new study reveals
ONLY 11 countries in the world are currently at peace, a shocking new study has revealed.
PUBLISHED: 08:58, Sat, Aug 16, 2014



Only 11 countries in the world are not involved in a conflict, a new study has revealed [GETTY - FILE PIC]

Out of 162 countries, 151 of the world's nations are currently involved in some form of conflict.

Even more depressingly, the study from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) shows that the world getting progressively less peaceful since 2007.

Although the UK has managed to stay relatively free from internal conflict, the country only ranks 47th in this year's Global Peace Index.

This is due to fighting in countries such as Afghanistan, as well as a fairly high level of militarisation.

Iceland came top as the most peaceful nation for the third year in a row.

It was followed by Denmark and New Zealand.

The five least peaceful countries were, in order: Somalia, Iraq, South Sudan, Afghanistan and, in last place, Syria.

Georgia, Cote d'Ivoire and Libya were all commended for making the biggest improvements in peace, thanks to more political stability.
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This is a wakeup call to governments, development agencies, investors and the wider international community that building peace is the prerequisite for economic and social development

Steve Killelea

The only countries which are not involved in any form of conflict whatsoever were Switzerland, Japan, Qatar, Mauritius, Uruguay, Chile, Botswana, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Panama and Brazil.

However, this did not guarantee them a place at the top of the Index since the study is based on 22 indicators including a country's military expenditure, respect for human rights and level of democracy.

It used a range of sources including figures from the International Institute of Strategic Studies, The World Bank, various UN offices and Peace Institutes and the Economist Intelligence Unit.

The founder and chairman of the IEP said of the findings: “Given the deteriorating global situation we cannot be complacent about the institutional bedrocks for peace: our research shows that peace is unlikely to flourish without deep foundations.

"This is a wakeup call to governments, development agencies, investors and the wider international community that building peace is the prerequisite for economic and social development.

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